Sunday, January 13, 2008

Happy New Year

Sorry everyone. I have not blogged in a million years. I have been on vacation at my in laws and my moms for the past three weeks. That does not make it easy to get any blogging done. Well we had a great Christmas. kemarie was very excited this year for Santa to come. She would sing Santa Clause is coming to town a lot. We spent Christmas At Tyson's parents house. Mitch was home form his mission and so the whole family was together. It was really nice. Christmas eve consisted of our traditional crab boil. If you never have had one I strongly encourage it. Kemarie loved being with grandma and grandpa. After Christmas we went to Colorado to visit Keera's family. We spend New years eve there and had fun playing movie scene it and drinking martinellis. We are excited for this new year and are hoping to do better with our blogging. We just got new tenants in our duplex and they have a wiemriener(silver grey hound looking dog) named Toby and Lucky is very excited to have a friend. Kemarie is also excited to have new neighbors. We are excited about the new tenants they are super nice and are expecting a baby at the end of January. Dane is having fun trying to learn to say things. He loves to say "Dada ", "Mama" and "gog" which means dog. I know there are other words he says but I have not figured them out yet.

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